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Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a problem for quite a lot of people. There are several factors that can affect the problem of hair loss, including genetic factors, environment, lifestyle, and habits.0f course, no one wants to have hair fall out. But, without realizing it, some of us often do some habits that actually triggered the loss of hair. What are those?


12 Causes of Severe Hair Loss

To be able to avoid hair loss and achieve the desired thick hair need to pay attention to several things or habits that must be avoided because they can trigger hair loss.

1. Wash with Hot Water

Washing with hot water can make your head pores dry. In addition, shampooing with hot water can also reduce the production of natural hair oils. This can make hair dry and brittle due to damage to the hair roots, which will make hair fall out more easily.

2. Too Often Bleached 

Hair that is bleached too often will break more easily. Bleach damages the hair cuticle, which makes the strands more brittle. Therefore, too often bleaching is one thing that need to avoid if you don't want your hair to fall out.

3. Remove Gray Hair

Who are the Toppers here who have started to grow a few gray hairs, then they get angry, so they often pull out gray hair? Turns out, plucking gray hair is bad for hair strength. How come?When you pull hair from the roots, you can damage the hair bulbs which can prevent the hair from growing back normally.

4. The Wrong Diet

Don't you know that your diet also affects the health of your hair? Lack of protein intake can make your hair fall out . How come? When the body lacks protein, the body will take protein from the hair. Of course it can reduce the protein in the hair can eat protein-rich foods such as fish , or nuts to keep your hair healthy.In addition, foods that cause hair loss include junk food, excessive sugar consumption, and alcohol.

5. Wrong time to dry hair

When your hair is wet, you have to be extra careful, OK. The friction created when towel-drying your hair can damage your hair's cuticles and increase the risk of breakage and breakage. So, dry your hair by patting it, no need to rub it.

6. Tying Hair Too Tight

Avoid tying your hair too tightly, because it can have a bad impact on the health of the hair follicles due to excessive pressure. Excessive pressure on the hair follicles can cause injury that causes permanent damage and prevents hair from growing again.

7. Scratching head

The habit of scratching the head can cause hair loss. Because, scratching the head can damage the cuticles. Damage to the cuticles can lead to hair loss.If your scalp itches, find the cause of the itching. That way, you can handle it properly. For example, if the itching is triggered by dandruff, you can use a shampoo that contains zinc, selenium, tea tree oil and other ingredients that can get rid of the fungus that causes dandruff.

8. Frequently Exposed to Heat from Hairdressing Tools

Heat from hair dryers , straighteners , curling irons, and other heat-generating styling tools can damage hair proteins, leaving the hair cuticles unprotected. This affects the moisture of the scalp and hair, which ultimately affects hair loss.

Minimize the use of styling tools that generate heat. If you have to use a hair dryer, straightener, or something else, don't forget to always use a heat protectant first.

9. Rarely or Too Often Shampoo

Infrequent shampooing can make fungus thrive on the scalp, while shampooing too often can reduce the production of natural oils in the hair. Both are not good for hair health and can increase the risk of hair loss.So, you just need to wash your hair once a day, if your hair is thin, you don't need to wash it every time you take a shower. Meanwhile, you just need to wash your hair every 2-3 days if your hair is thicker, curly, with a dry scalp.

10. Combing from Top to Bottom

It may seem trivial, but the way you comb your hair can trigger hair loss, you know . When you brush your hair straight from root to tip, especially when it's tangled, the pressure applied to your roots can make your hair fall out more easily. You can comb your lower hair first until it is no longer tangled, then slowly work your way up.

11. Smoking

Smoking can also have an impact on hair loss, you know . Circulation of blood vessels that are not smooth due to cigarettes makes blood production to the hair follicles hampered as well.

12. Stress

Stress can affect hair loss, especially in men. When men experience stress, the production of the hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone increases and seeps into the hair shaft, causing thinning. In the end, the hair becomes damaged and falls out.

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