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Showing posts with the label effects on health

How Stays Pet Healthy

 As a pet owner, the health of your furry friend should always be a top priority. Your pet’s well-being not only affects their happiness and quality of life, but it can also impact your own mental and emotional health. Here are some tips to help you ensure that your pet stays healthy and happy. Regular Vet Check-ups:  Regular visits to the veterinarian are essential for your pet's health. A routine check-up can help identify potential health issues before they become major problems. Your vet can also provide advice on how to maintain your pet’s overall health, including nutrition, exercise, and preventative care. Proper Nutrition:  Proper nutrition is vital to your pet’s overall health. The right diet will provide them with the necessary nutrients and energy to stay healthy and active. Consult your vet to determine the right type and amount of food for your pet's age, breed, and lifestyle. Exercise and Playtime:  Just like humans, pets need regular exercise to maintain their ph

Tips for diabetics

what to do if the injection device does not work? Tips for diabetics buy  syringes from online store click here Injectable dosage forms play a vital role in the treatment of diabetes. Although injecting insulin may seem like something unpleasant, painful and complicated, which is also significantly different from pill treatment, new skills are still quickly acquired and administering the drug is easy. Also, injecting doesn't have to be unpleasant if done correctly. In the following, we share a few tips to pay attention to during injection therapy.  Insulin Travel Cooler Kit A new needle must be used for each injection The use of any medicine must begin by reading the leaflet. Unfortunately, there are many such cases where people do not do this or adapt the treatment regimen according to their own pace and way of life. For example, the leaflet always emphasizes that a new needle must be used for each injection, although in reality the same needle is often use

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a problem for quite a lot of people. There are several factors that can affect the problem of hair loss, including genetic factors, environment, lifestyle, and habits.0f course, no one wants to have hair fall out. But, without realizing it, some of us often do some habits that actually triggered the loss of hair. What are those? 12 Causes of Severe Hair Loss To be able to avoid hair loss and achieve the desired thick hair need to pay attention to several things or habits that must be avoided because they can trigger hair loss. 1. Wash with Hot Water Washing with hot water can make your head pores dry. In addition, shampooing with hot water can also reduce the production of natural hair oils. This can make hair dry and brittle due to damage to the hair roots, which will make hair fall out more easily. 2. Too Often Bleached  Hair that is bleached too often will break more easily. Bleach damages the hair cuticle, which makes the strands more brittle. Therefore, too often blea

What is Mumps

 Have you ever experienced swelling on one side of the face accompanied by pain and fever? This condition could be a sign of mumps.  Mumps is an infectious disease that occurs in the parotid lymph nodes caused by infection with the Paramyxovirus virus , causing swelling. Mumps can occur in adults and children. There are several recognizable symptoms, such as swelling of the parotid gland, difficulty swallowing, pain when chewing, fever, dry mouth, headache, and loss of appetite. Although it is not a serious disease, mumps still needs to be treated so that it does not cause complications. To overcome this, there are several natural remedies for mumps that can be relied on as first aid. Natural and Traditional Mumps Medicine Mumps can be contagious or spread when there is contact with fluids through coughing, sneezing, or talking. In addition, children will be more at risk of getting mumps if they are around sufferers and have not received special vaccines. Therefore, mumps must be treat

Green Tea Benefits

15 Benefits of Green Tea What are the benefits of green tea for humans? Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Among the many types of tea, green tea or green tea is the type most favored by many people and in some countries, it is even considered sacred. The ceremony of drinking green tea itself is widely known to be owned by Japanese residents who actually came from China around the 6th century. The people of the Land of the Rising Sun believe that green tea is the healthiest beverage in the world. With a content of up to 45% polyphenols and 80% antioxidants, this tea is very nutritious for the health of the body. Benefits of Green Tea for Health If you consume it regularly, you will feel the following benefits of green tea: 1. Lowers the Risk of Heart Attack One of the most powerful benefits of green tea is its ability to lower the risk of a heart attack. This is evidenced through a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. The study was co

Stop Eating

 Eat slower and speed up fat burning How are you doing with eating? Do you slowly enjoy the food or do you devour it furiously? When it comes to fat burning, the answer to this question may be more important than it seems. For a muscular figure, we spend a lot of time in the gym and we are obsessed with nutrition . Everyone knows how to choose the amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. But how fast you eat is often overlooked. The way you eat can greatly affect your goals. Read on to see how you can fix your bad habits!                   As the body finds out it has to stop eating Each of us has to swallow something fast from time to time, for example when we hurry to a meeting. Some tend to eat fast regularly. Researchers have found that such rapid eating can overwhelm the body's satiety signals - fullness-inducing hormone neuropeptide Y and glucose-like peptide - which these hormones send to the brain when they stop eating. They can leave you hungry and ready to eat more a

Effects of Pollution On Health

                                    Effects of Pollution Contamination of drinking water is the primary channel for pathogens in human waste to spread diseases from and to humans. Humans are also exposed to these pathogens through soils, food grown on contaminated soils, seafood obtained from contaminated waters, and bathing and production also in contaminated waters. Infectious diseases from exposure to human feces include salmonella bacteria, parasitic giardia, and hookworm, among others. Exposure can also cause subjective diseases, such as rashes, and skin infections.                  Pathogens and Infectious Diseases Diarrhea diseases, such as rotavirus, cholera, and typhoid, are the main health concerns related to wastewater pollution, causing 1.6 million deaths in 2017. ref These diseases can cause severe dehydration, malnutrition, and infertility in children can impair their growth and mental development. ref The result can be lifelong health complications and detrimental cons