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Suitable as a breakfast menu, oatmeal is one food that has many health benefits for the body. This food from oats will be more delicious to eat if it is processed with other appropriate ingredients such as fruit , milk or yogurt , and so on.From the super practical, to the slightly more complicated, there are various ways to create this one dish. Therefore, you don't have to worry about getting bored if you often make oatmeal your diet. However, the most important thing is what benefits can be provided by oatmeal for the body if we regularly consume it in the right dose? What is Oatmeal? Oatmeal is a porridge-like textured food made from oats mixed with boiling water or milk. In addition to carbohydrates, oats also contain fiber, protein, iron, and vitamins. There are seven vitamins contained in oats, one of which is vitamin E . Benefits of Oatmeal for Health Of the many nutrients contained, of course, many health benefits are also owned. The following are the benefits that yo

Top 10 Healthy Foods

10 Healthy Nutritious Food Menus to be Fit and Immune to Disease         Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be done not only by exercising but also by paying attention to diet and what is consumed daily. You need to consume fruits, green vegetables, and reduce foods with preservatives or artificial ingredients that are not natural so that the body feels healthy and does not often fall ill. There are several foods that fall into the superfood category that is very good for maintaining immunity from various diseases and making you feel healthy. List of Healthy & Nutritious Eating Menu Read on to find out what are the healthy and nutritious foods that can be consumed every day on the top 10 healthy foods list and their benefits for your body: 1. Oatmeal    Oatmeal is one of the superfoods that are usually eaten at breakfast. The high fiber content in oatmeal is very good for the digestive system. These foods can also make you feel full longer, so you can stay awake throughout the d

Why do Still Feel Hungry?

 Have you eaten but still feel hungry? You may be making one of several mistakes that make your stomach still feel empty. Take a look at the following tips to find out what you're doing wrong with your diet. FOOD                                              You do not drink enough fluids The human body needs to receive enough fluids daily to be able to perform all activities properly. The average woman should drink about 12 glasses of fluid a day, while the average man should drink about 16 glasses of fluid a day. Of course, if you are engaged in sports activities, it is necessary to drink even more fluids. You should drink another glass of water every 15 minutes of training. So you should drink up to 4 extra glasses of fluid for a 60-minute workout. Water helps to create a feeling of fullness in the stomach. There is often a situation in the brain where there is a mistaken feeling of thirst for a feeling of hunger, so don't forget to drink! If you still feel hungry often, dri

Good Health By Eating Oatmeal

Good Health By Eating Oatmeal Happy with oatmeal? Oats and oatmeal are so healthy for the body and brain! Oatmeal has various benefits that have been proven in research that you can read more about here. We ask that you be convinced to include more of this wonderful grain in your own diet.                                           The story behind the oats Oats are a different cereal known in Latin as Avena sativa. It’s one of the most nutritious grains that most Norwegians want - especially the oatmeal form which is a good healthy start to the day.          1. Oats have a high content of antioxidants  Antioxidants have many positive health properties - including resistance to free radicals and oxidative stress, both of which have been linked to increased incidence of cancer and other disease diagnoses. Oats have high levels of antioxidants and health-promoting plant components known as polyphenols. Most notably it contains avenanthramides - an antioxidant found almost exclusively i

Eggs Are a Great Source of Choline

                                                            Eggs are a source of choline Eggs contain 14 essential vitamins, making them one of the most important nutrients for human life. To celebrate Health Day sharing, we share five delicious ways as part of a healthy diet that can support a beautiful and healthy world.                1. Eggs provide the best protein in all foods Eggs provide the highest protein content of any diet, well-suited to one's need for amino acids. Starting the day with a high protein intake, such as eggs for breakfast, can help provide daily energy .                                     2. Eggs are a great source of choline  which is important for the brain Choline is an important neurotransmitter at all stages of human life, especially for the fetal brain. However, choline is commonly consumed. Eggs have one of the highest diets of any diet, making them a great addition to any diet, but it is also useful in the diet of pregnant women and breastfeeding

Healthy food can control weight

Healthy eating Did you know, there are many benefits to eating healthily? Undoubtedly, the benefits of a balanced diet have their own benefits. It is the same with the practice of doing a healthy habit or habit of every heart. Most people don’t pay attention to their habits and their impact on their lives. For example, bad habits such as smoking can not only be detrimental to health, it can lead to chronic diseases such as lung cancer. On the other hand, healthy habits are not only beneficial in terms of physical health. But the mental, emotional and social life of its practitioners also reap the same benefits.                                 Healthy food can control weight Did you know, there are many benefits to eating healthily ? Undoubtedly, the benefits of a balanced diet have their own benefits. It is the same with the practice of doing a healthy habit or habit of every heart. Most people don’t pay attention to their habits and their impact on their lives. For example, bad habits

Healthy Food

Food  Food is a process that accompanies us throughout life, through which we obtain the nutrients and energy to meet the requirements of the body. However, the act of eating, in addition to being a nutritional process, has important connotations of coexistence - the proportion of pleasure, emotional relationships, social and religious identification, etc. - that shape the eating behavior and can affect the state of health of the person. Food is, without a doubt, an element of cultural identity; therefore, it is important to maintain and enhance the eating habits of the Mediterranean area, adapted to the sociological and cultural changes that are taking place.                          Healthy Proposals Although there are many healthy proposals, one of the best known in our environment is the Mediterranean diet, which is based on the majority consumption of plant-based food s, fresh and minimally processed, such as fresh fruits and vegetables of the time, legumes. , nuts, whole grains,


 Fro m the minute we're born, we're aging. Constant exposure to our environment, the things we eat, and stresses from both inside and outside our bodies all cause us to age over time. Aging is highly complex, but scientists are starting to understand what happens at the cellular and molecular levels. For example, healthy cells are damaged over time when our immune systems shift from reacting to short-term problems like injuries and infections, to gradually producing chronic inflammation throughout the body. Time also gradually shortens the telomeres that act as protective caps for our DNA-containing  chromosomes. These and other changes make our bodies less and less able to deal with stress from inside  and outside of our body, so when damage reaches a critical level, our cells, tissues, and organs may no longer perform normally and our health starts to decline. The changes associated with aging start to happen on some level at day one. We begin to experience their effects earl